




General Psychology

Dialectical Thinking and Resolution Making

Author: Brianna Gwathney Frigid temps, slippery sidewalks, high electric bills, and (potential) low motivation to be social and mobile, we welcome January with what could be a very chilly winter. With a new year often comes an array of resolutions:  Some folks aspire to be more physically active while others recognize a need to prioritize […]

January 29, 2024

DBT, General Psychology

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What Are the Benefits of Therapy With a Clinical Intern?

Author: Maddie Mayhew Congratulations, you just made your first step toward elevating your life and reaching your counseling goals! Let’s talk about the benefits of working with a clinical intern. First of all, you may ask who are clinical interns? Clinical interns are Master’s level graduate students in clinical mental health counseling or social work […]

December 27, 2023

General Psychology

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The Power of Good Habits: Diverting the River

We’ve all heard the term “bad habit.” But what is a habit, exactly? The Cambridge Online Dictionary defines it as “something that you do often and regularly, sometimes without knowing that you are doing it[2].” Basically, they are learned behaviors that have become automatic. They form when you repeatedly do the same thing, and they […]

December 1, 2023

General Psychology

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